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A Small Business Hub in the Metaverse

Virtual worlds can provide many benefits for small companies

Ever since the advent of the internet, companies have been steadily adapting to the digital landscape and migrating much of their assets online. The small business started to abandon the physical store, or at least utilize an internet-hybrid model. This has been rewarding for companies and convenient and easy for the consumers. Despite being intimately interconnected with online marketplaces, social media, and other shopping utilities, the small business is still struggling. New products and shops are inundated by a myriad of challenges from tough competition, high costs, and large and well established brands. Since we are past the traditional brick-and-mortar days and the internet market is saturated, what is the solution and ultimately the next step for the small business?

It is time to recognize the rise of web3 and the metaverse and take full advantage of this new trend. The future of the internet is written in three-dimensions. This means that your brand has to take the very important step and capitalize on this forward momentum. The store or shop will no longer be a scrolling list of products and services, but rather a virtual building people can visit from the comfort of their own homes.

Physical buildings are expensive. Even startups with two or three people have a tough time finding an affordable and collaborative places to work or run a small office. This is especially true in the major cities around the world. A virtual office or least a store front could be a much cheaper solution. There are no utility costs, no electricity, no parking issues among many others. People could visit and find out all about your brand, service, or product without having to sit in traffic.

This is an even more simple and elegant solution for the new creators. Youtubers, artists, singers, and people with skills and crafts are eager to get their talent heard and seen by the masses. Having a virtual office space or specialized building with your works demonstrated could be the perfect touch to get your public excited. The fans and viewers would be able to explore and learn all about your works, supporting material, and find out about you in a dimension like never before.

In general, every entrepreneur starts from somewhere, and that somewhere usually originates on their desk or drawing board. Over the years, especially in the previous decades, some now famous and large companies have begun their journeys in their garages. So think of a virtual building, in a virtual city, somewhere on a virtual street, as your new garage. This is your new beginning. This is where your business can start. This is where a simple logo can tell the world your story about your dream and your vision. This is the cornerstone to your success.

As your grow, develop, and perfect your product, service, or image, the virtual world can be customized much easier than the real one. More walls can be added, more space in the showroom can be attached, and more virtual land can be purchased instantly. Colors can be changed, logos can be swapped, or entirely new concepts can be hashed out overnight. Whether it is your or your new virtual land provider who implements these customizations, it is always good to remember that the flexibility is there.

Virtual stores, shops, and offices will allow people from all over the world to visit you place of business without having to travel anywhere outside of their own comfort. People will be able to actively examine products, compare them, get a feel for the dimensions and textures, and imagine them right inside their living rooms. This will also expand the market and the horizons for many local companies as real world geography will no longer pose an obstacle.

The most important element and benefit for the small business will be the proximity of living next to fans, customers, and even other small businesses. Virtual online cities will foster this type of environment. Companies will do better when loyal buyers live next door. Small businesses can stand strong knowing that there are other small businesses across the street who sell similar products. This cultivates client relationships and weaves a bit of a safety net for other companies in the area. Small businesses can exist in the metaverse and lean on one another in virtual cities.

So it is time to shine and progress into the future. Help people move on from the flat pages or endless product lists to the three-dimensional displays and colorful graphics. Encourage people to explore and learn about your brand and services virtually instead of quickly skimming it from the exhaustive indexes. The future is virtual, and the dynamic is three-dimensional. It is time for the small business to take it to the next level.


Virtual worlds can provide many benefits for small companies


Since the start of the internet, companies have been adapting to the digital business model. Today, office space is expensive, individual creators are working in a saturated market, virtual space is crowded, local customers are limited. Virtual worlds and the metaverse is the solution.


#SmallBusiness #web3 #Metaverse